Bayanin Sirri: Sirrinka yana da matukar mahimmanci a gare mu. Kamfaninmu yayi alkawarin kar a bayyana keɓaɓɓun bayananku ga kowane fallasa tare da izini na bayyananne.
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Polyacrylamide is one of the linear Polymers and is insoluble in most organic solvents. It is often used as a Flocculant because of its good flocculation effect.
Polyacrylamide (PAM) itself is non-toxic, in agricultural production can be used as a soil structure improver, not only water retention, but also soil retention, fertilizer retention, heat preservation, yield and other functions.
The popularization and application of PAM in agriculture is of great significance to improve the utilization rate of irrigation or precipitation in arid and semi-arid areas.
Polyacrylamide PAM can also affect the soil adsorption of fertilizers, PAM by stabilizing the water-stabilized agglomerate structure as well as the adsorption of fertilizer elements, inhibit the loss of fertilizer elements, and improve the utilization rate of fertilizers. After PAM treated soil damage, organic matter, quick-acting phosphorus, quick-acting potassium, quick-acting nitrogen content increased significantly. A large number of practice has proved that the use of PAM can improve the efficiency of fertilizer 25% - 60%.
Imel zuwa wannan mai samarwa
March 12, 2024
March 05, 2024
Bayanin Sirri: Sirrinka yana da matukar mahimmanci a gare mu. Kamfaninmu yayi alkawarin kar a bayyana keɓaɓɓun bayananku ga kowane fallasa tare da izini na bayyananne.
Cika ƙarin bayani don hakan na iya shiga tare da ku cikin sauri
Bayanin Sirri: Sirrinka yana da matukar mahimmanci a gare mu. Kamfaninmu yayi alkawarin kar a bayyana keɓaɓɓun bayananku ga kowane fallasa tare da izini na bayyananne.